Emergencies tend to crop up unexpectedly and without warning, often causing a great deal of worry for many people. Highwood Dental knows how painful and stressful dental emergencies can be. Our dedicated team is trained and equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies promptly and efficiently. Even if you are unsure whether something qualifies as a dental emergency, do not hesitate to call us – we would rather be safe than sorry! As a general rule of thumb, if it hurts, it is an emergency!
Highwood Dental is here to address any dental emergency in a timely and efficient manner. Quick treatment of any dental issue will save you trouble and pain down the line. Our goal is to treat patients as quickly as possible, and we always do our best to prioritize dental emergencies and reserve open appointment times for any urgent dental situations, even if you are not a regular patient [confirm with client]. We try our best to ensure you are contacted and have an appointment booked within 48 hours of making a call regarding an emergency dental situation.
If you experience any of the following things, if may indicate a dental emergency warranting a visit to your clinic:
We know emergencies can be tough. Rest assured that the Highwood Dental team is dedicated to ensuring your maximum comfort throughout your visit. At Highwood Dental, you can count on quick emergency appointments, comfortable and stress-free service, clear and detailed communication, in a family-friendly environment.
When faced with an unexpected dental emergency, you can count on Highwood Dental to provide the prompt and effective care you need. If you have any questions about a dental concern, or you are experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms and believe you require emergency dental treatment, please reach out to the Highwood Dental team at (403) 652-2274 and we will be happy to help!
If you would like to schedule an Emergency Dentistry appointment please reach out to the Highwood Dental team at (403) 652-2274 and we will be happy to help!
Stay on top of your dental health with appointment alerts from Highwood Dental, ensuring you never miss a visit.
Convenient, dedicated and free parking is offered outside the clinic.
At Highwood Dental, our friendly and dedicated team of dental professionals is committed to providing exceptional care and making every visit a pleasant experience.
Highwood Dental utilizes in-office digital imaging for precise and efficient diagnostics, ensuring accurate and timely care.
For over three decades, Highwood Dental has been helping High River smile with exceptional care and personalized dental services.
Highwood Dental employs professionals trained in the latest dental technology, delivering exceptional care for your best smile.
Highwood Dental offers quality dental care at affordable prices, ensuring everyone can enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile.